I spent around 10 years of my career writing all sorts of automation - I don't think automation is a good thing

I spent around 10 years of my career writing all sorts of automation. Whenever I hear another company working on yet another breakthrough in automation it gives me a bitter smile. Let me explain why. (and it is not another `automation is impossible` rant) The other day I was having breakfast at McDonald's, where I noticed how few employees they had on shift, yet able to serve quite a few customers. I worked at McDonald's and I remember that cashier work was particularly challenging - usually one had to take orders and prepare orders at the same time, all in 120 seconds 9 (it was in Russia 20 years ago, I might be slightly wrong with figures, but you get the point). A Cashier was also supposed to smile and let you feel welcome. Now they have self-checkout stations, leading to funny results: Order preparation is nowhere near 120 seconds. It takes ages now, to be honest. They employ fewer people. You know, crew members at McDonald's don't usually have a line of job of...